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时间:2024-03-04 14:52:25 编辑:储老师



课程代码 :00096

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  每小题选出答案后 ,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑 。如需改动 ,用橡皮 擦干净后 ,再选涂其他答案标号 。不能答在试题卷上。

  一、单项选择题 :本大题共 15 小题 ,每小题 2 分 ,共 30 分。

  在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个可以替代句中划线的单词或词组 ,请将其选出并将 答题卡( 纸) 的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。

  1. The withdrawal of Soviet economic and technical aid in the early 1960s caused trade to shift away from the USSR and its Comecon partners towards Japan and Western Europe.

  A. move away B. keep away C. stay away D. hold away

  2. The following years , a tax law for joint ventures was promulgated.

  A. banned B. canceled C. proclaimed D. ceased

  3. Its boom radiates from Guangdong , its richest province , but it has spread as far west as Xinjiang.

  A. crisis B. fast growth C. depression D. fast decrease

  4. An increase in China,s growth rate helped to sustain high rates of growth in the East Asia region.

  A. forfeit B. lose C. miss D. maintain

  5. The strongest signal came last week , when Mickey Kantor moved quickly to cite the 12-nation European Community for“ intolerable ”discrimination against U. S. companies seeking government contracts with the Community.

  A. fair treatment B. different treatment

  C. friendly treatment D. certain treatment

  6. The European Community,s languishing Maastricht Treaty for deeper political and economic integration is the obvious example cited.

  A. consolidation B. separation C. destruction D. break

  7. Its policy is to open some Japanese markets by setting import targets.

  A. refusing B. building C. rejecting D. canceling

00096# 外刊经贸知识选读试题 第 1 页( 共 5 页)

  8. Sooner or later they will begin to lose their edge , much as the U. S. did against Japan.

  A. inferiority B. shortcoming C. advantage D. weakness

  9. In the two years since Iraq was ousted from Kuwait , peace and prosperity have returned to the

  Gulf region.

  A. economic policy B. economic stagnation

  C. economic conflict D. economic growth

  10. The cause of free trade will have many more battles to fight.

  A. companies B. trainings C. matches D. banquets

  11. To secure sales of its F-5 jet fighter to the Swiss government , the Northrop Cor. agreed to help

  the Swiss expand export markets for $ 200 million worth of goods.

  A. unsure B. ensure C. waver D. hesitate

  12. The big guys will press bottlers to drop competing brands to make way for their new products.

  A. give way B. make block C. give strike D. make at

  13. Fresh hen eggs , however , are the most popular item.

  A. unmarketable B. saleable C. inactive D. disgusting

  14. Prices are in many cases at historical lows in real terms as markets struggle to cope with floods

  of surplus produce.

  A. less B. fewer C. excessive D. short

  15. Unstable crude prices in turn prompted falls in platinum and gold.

  A. steady B. firm C. fixed D. variable

  二、判断题 :本大题共 10 小题 ,每小题 2 分 ,共 20 分。

  判断下列各题 ,在答题卡( 纸) 相应位置正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。

  Passage 1

  U. S. Is Prepared to See Trade Relations Worsen

  Some of the Clinton administration,s tough talk appears tactical , intended to pressure trading partners into offering concession and to unblock stalled negotiations on several fronts. But it appears

  that officials are prepared to turn up the temperature on trade—and live with the consequences.

  In some ways , Mr. Clinton and his advisers are following the same well-trod path as the Bush administration , which threatened sanctions against the Community last year and walked away from

  GATT negotiations rather than sign an agreement that would provide only small gains for U. S.

  companies. The same political pressures from trade hawks in Congress that the Bush officials felt are

00096# 外刊经贸知识选读试题 第 2 页( 共 5 页)

  now bearing down on the Clinton team.

  A broad review of trade policy issues is just beginning within the administration , but officials said the underpinnings of Mr. Kantor,s decision were plainly found in Mr. Clinton,s trade speeches

  during the campaign , particularly the demand for open markets abroad.

  The reactions to these first signals from the Clinton team has been sharply divergent.

  16. The purpose of Clinton administration,s tough talk is to make concession to the trade partners.

  17. The officials will accept the consequences of tough trade negotiation.

  18. The trade policy by Clinton team is completely different with to that of Bush,s.

  19. The Community threatened to make trade sanctions to the United States.

  20. Clinton team faced political pressures from trade hawks in Congress.

  Passage 2

  Economic Troubles Cloud New Market

  s Future

  But perhaps the major reason is the dark economic clouds now hanging over Europe. One of the central justifications for the single market was its ability to create greater prosperity , but it is making

  its debut just as Europe traverses one of its roughest economic storms in years.

  “ We are going to wind up 1992 with just about the same level of unemployed—nearly 10 per cent community wide—that we had before this project , ”says an aide to Mr. Delors. In addition , economic growth is skidding to an anticipated 1 per cent next year , all of which adds up to consumer and business confidence sinking to the same lows recorded during the pre-single market days of


  Both EC and independent analysts say that business anticipated the economic benefits of the single market , so that much of the burst of economic activity in preparation for the new market has

  already occurred.

  Business investment , which had been flat for the five years preceding the decision in 1985 to

  create the single market , soared to a 7 per cent annual growth rate from1985- 1990.

  21. The economic trouble in Europe is the major reason.

  22. The single market has brought prosperity to the European economy.

  23. The unemployment rate was 10% in 1992.

  24. The economic growth rate next year is expected to be about 1% in European Community.

  25. Business investment increased at 5% growth rate in 1990s.

00096# 外刊经贸知识选读试题 第 3 页( 共 5 页)


  注意事项 :

  用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上 ,不能答在试题卷上。

  三、将下列中文词组译成英文 :本大题共 10 小题 ,每小题 1 分 ,共 10 分。

  26. 合资企业

  27. 外汇储备

  28. 优先权

  29. 国内生产总值

  30. 北美自由贸易协定

  31. 贸易报复

  32. 企业经理人员

  33. 筹措资金

  34. 破坏经济

  35. 经销商

  四、将下列英语单词或词组译成中文 :本大题共 10 小题 ,每小题 1 分 ,共 10 分。

  36. national income

  37. pipe dream

  38. container plant

  39. rental housing

  40. trade sanctions

  41. managed trade

  42. brain trust

  43. current account

  44. economic growth

  45. money market

  五、简答题 :本大题共 6 小题 ,每小题 3 分 ,共 18 分。

  Passage 1

  China,s cautious approach to foreign borrowing is to be maintained , at least for the time being.

  The debt problems confronting a number of developing countries have reinforced China,s

  determination to introduce foreign technology by means of direct investment and concessionary

  finance rather than by raising substantial sums of money on the international capital markets. Foreign

00096# 外刊经贸知识选读试题 第 4 页( 共 5 页)

  investment is advantageous insofar as it facilitates the transfer of technology and skills and avoids creating an overhang of debt. The authorities do not consider it appropriate to incur large amounts of external debt until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy , such as an inadequate transport network and energy constraints , have been tackled. China,s access to substantial sums of money

  from the World Bank also reduces the need to borrow on commercial terms.

  46. What is the meaning of“cautious”?

  47. What are the“ practical bottlenecks ”in the context?

  48. What does“ borrow on commercial terms ”imply?

  Passage 2

  China is reaping the rewards of reforms first launched by Deng Xiaoping in 1979. Foreign investment is now welcome. Special Economic Zones are booming. The opening of securities and real-estate markets have created new opportunities. Clearly , China,s economy is a work in progress , nowhere near realizing the potential of its billion-plus population. Its gross domestic product last year was , according to the official measure , $ 420 billion—no more than that of southern California. China remains primarily a nation of farmers , and the transition to an industrial free market is much like the traffic on Highway 204—unpredictable. Few state-owned firms have been sold , and most are laggard behemoths. Growth is driven by new joint ventures , collectives and private businesses ,

  which now account for more than 50% of China,s industrial production.

  49. What is the meaning of“opportunities”?

  50. What is China,s GDP last year?.

  51. Who created half of China's industrial output?

  六、翻译题 :本大题 12 分。

  52. Output for the developing countries advanced by 1. 9% during 1991 – comparable to the weak performance they registered in 1990. In terms of per capita income , real output in developing countries apparently eased somewhat , by – 0. 1 % . A number of factors— some broad-based , others more specific – contributed to the weakness of performance. Despite the slowdown in the industrial countries—particularly in the U. S. —improvements in economic performance in Latin America were widespread. The region,s GDP rose by 3. 0% in 1991 , thus reversing the slide in annual per capita income that had taken place over the past decade. Growth rates were in excess of 4% in Argentina , Chile , and Mexico and reached a high of 9. 1% in Venezuela. Policy reforms covering fiscal adjustment , trade and investment liberalization , the financial sector , and public-enterprise restructuring and privatization , supported by debt restructuring ,

  have helped to moderate inflation in the region and strengthen domestic demand.

00096# 外刊经贸知识选读试题 第 5 页( 共 5 页)




















